My Story

Hi! I’m Zibby Owens.

I’m a passionate book lover, author, podcaster, publisher, CEO, bookstore owner, and mom of four. Here’s my official bio. But read on!

I’ve written a memoir and a children’s book, edited two anthologies, penned many round-ups (monthly for Good Morning America), and shared a lot of personal essays. My debut novel (!!) Blank comes out in March 2024.

It wasn’t always easy.

How this all started.

Why did I start a podcast? I was trying to sell a book of my parenting essays called Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books when a girlfriend (author Sarah Mlynowksi) suggested I start one. I had stayed home with my four kids for the previous 11 years but had always been writing (since my grandparents published my short story collection as a miniature book when I was ten!). As a lifelong book lover, the idea of interviewing authors sounded amazing. I figured, “Why not?!”

I launched my 30-minute, daily podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books in March 2018. It started weekly but became daily in March 2020 — and has stayed that way. The podcast has won many awards and is regularly in the top 200 of the Apple Arts charts. I’ve hosted 1,500 authors on the show including novelists, actors, memoirists, chefs, athletes, musicians, politicians, thriller writers, business leaders, poets, playwrights, and more — and it’s been downloaded more than 10 million times! But it led to so much more….

That led to so many others things.

An author salon. A magazine. A publishing house!

Over time, the company became Zibby Media.

This wasn’t my master plan. I just kept following what seemed like the natural next step. I love launching things like….

Zibby Books, an innovative publishing house releasing one book a month in fiction and memoir.

Zibby’s Book Club, a meet-up with local chapters and a virtual club with thousands of readers!

Zibby Mag, an online magazine nominated for the prestigious Webby Award.

Audiobooks and podcasts including my own podcast, Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books.

Classes: an education platform with fabulous offerings related to reading, writing, and becoming your best self.

Retreats: group trips to fun literary destinations with authors.

Finally, I lived out my childhood fantasy of opening a bookstore.

Zibby’s Bookshop is located at 1113 Montana Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Is that a crazy story or what?!

So stay a while. Dive in deep. Explore. Connect. Follow me! Join my Substack newsletter.

Check out all our offerings. Read my books. Get inspired. I changed my life drastically when I was almost forty years old after sustaining a lot of loss. And now, I’m living out my dreams.

So remember: in life, it’s never too late.
