In case you don’t get our other newsletter , I wanted to send what I just posted there. I thought this update was too important not to share widely as the events of this week have affected us all. I hope you can join me in person to connect and heal, together. Subscribe there, too, for more of these types of posts.
I’ve been posting on Instagram about the atrocities this week. It feels like there are no words. And yet, we have to find them. We also have to connect and strengthen our community to get through this horrific time. Here are the events I’ll personally be doing now through May where I’ll be discussing Jewish issues.
Please join me. Share with friends. Let’s gather. Let’s heal. Together. #onbeingjewishnow.
Monday, February 24th at 11 am, Miami Beach, FL:
The Miami Beach JCC. Register HERE.
Monday, February 24th at 5 pm, Bal Harbor, FL:
Veronica Beard Bal Harbor. RSVP:
Monday, February 24th at 8 pm, Coral Gables, FL:
Books & Books Coral Gables. Register HERE.
Tuesday, February 25th at 10:30 am, Palm Beach Gardens, FL:
Palm Beaches JCC. Register HERE.
Wednesday, February 26th at 4:50 pm, New York, NY.
The Harvard Club of New York City antisemitism day panelist. Members only.
Thursday, February 27th at 11 am - 1 pm, New York, NY.
The Core Club movie screening, “Tragic Awakening,” plus discussion. Register HERE.
Thursday, February 27th at 7 pm:
The Harvard Club of New York City talk. Members only.
Wednesday, March 12th, 10 am - 1 pm, Scarsdale, NY.
UJA Federation of New York Westchester Women’s Symposium. Register HERE.
Sunday, March 16th at 11:30 am - 1 pm, Tucson, AZ.
Tucson Festival of Books panelist. Info HERE.
Monday, March 17th at 12 pm, Scottsdale, AZ.
The Poisoned Pen. Info HERE.
Sunday, March 23rd from 3 pm - 7 pm, Los Angeles, CA.
On Being Jewish Now: Live at the Museum of Tolerance with multiple panelists. Register HERE.
Friday, March 28th at 4 pm - Sunday, March 30th at 11 am, Santa Barbara, CA:
Zibby Retreat, a weekend-long readers’ getaway with multiple authors. Register HERE.
Saturday, March 29th at 6 pm, Santa Barbara, CA:
Godmothers bookstore event. Register HERE.
Monday, March 31st at 11 am - 1 pm, Dallas, TX:
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas Annual Luncheon. Register HERE.
Saturday, April 5th from 10 am - 5 pm, New York, NY:
Zibby Petite Retreat with multiple authors. Email here if interested. Eventbrite to come.
Monday, April 21st at 11:30 am, New York, NY:
Zibby Media presents the Streicker Center with Jennifer Weiner. Register HERE.
Friday, April 25th - Sunday, April 27th, Montreal, Canada:
International Literary Festival Blue Metropolis, multiple panels. Register HERE.
Monday, May 5th at 12 pm, Deal, NJ:
Info to come. Email here if interested.
Tuesday, May 13th at 6 pm, New York, NY:
Streicker Center event with Judy Blume. Register HERE.
Book link and more info about our 75 contributors here.
Thank you for creating all of these opportunities. I'd love to attend one sometime. It's so important for us to support each other at this critical time. Emotions run high and being able to share them with others is a blessing.
It's so great you are creating these opportunities. Just wish you were coming to Salt Lake City.