Absolutely do it! We all love stories of “what if” especially if they reveal our vulnerability, which you are a master of exposing. Good luck!

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Go for the new...or else it will become "...did you know I almost..."!

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Go for it Zibby. You are so creative!

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Loved your intro to Anna. I vote for the new, as a big fan of "If/Then" the show. I'm in Nashville now but will be back in NY tonight. Sorry to miss you down here. Such a fun city!

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Go with it Zibby- love that you think out loud and we love your thought process.

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Go for it! Sounds like fun and will keep people's attention.

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Fantastic idea. Go for it! It’s always exhilarating to try a new challenge, especially when we’re in our 40s and don’t get quite so many firsts. I just hike (a tiny bit of) Grand Canyon, and it was such a high. Working on a column in that… Wish I were back in Ohio to see it. Good luck! 🍀

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Yes, go for it! And I loved your Anna Quindlen intro.😂🥹❤️

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It's interesting but I think your life is more interesting. Yes, you've spoken about this a million times but your audience will be hearing it for the first time. Or they'll know a bit about you and want to hear more. Can you do a bit of both?

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Hmmm.. yes!

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you wil be great & look beautiful!!! sooo proud of you..

Cynthia Fields

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Here’s what works best for me. I have a vague idea of what I’m going to talk about. Than I get the vibe from the audience and look into my heart to see how I can match where they are coming from, what they desire, what they need that I can offer at that very moment. So basically be yourself! Good luck. You’ll be great!

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Good advice!

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I went to Erma last year and loved it! I’m sure you will be a huge hit, whatever you say, but I like the idea of your new idea.

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I hope it’s Bombeck Bombs!

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For sure you have to go for it! And, I LOVE the "Sliding Doors" Did you know I almost.....so super relatable. In fact, you have my thinking through my list. And, I'm also encouraged about all the crazy things I seem to be trying at the moment. Who knew that in your mid 50s you could feel so off balance? But, in a good way! :)

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Do something new! You're amazing and your speech will be, too!

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From LA, so late, but: Yes, but not just a list of what didn’t but the whys that drove you to a circuitous journey and the why where you landed, not as a travelogue but as a development of soul and person.

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