Very sorry that you were subject to firsthand antisemitism which sadly appears to creep into everything everywhere these days. Can we muster a campaign for Goodreads to be more vigilant in its oversight of its space? I would gladly write...inundate them. It may not solve the problem, but if they lose trust, they lose us, too, because we no longer can rely on them as a credible review source. Difficult times but we cannot hide, shrink or ignore...now, I will read your book and proudly review it!

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I would sign on to such a campaign. Great idea.

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Thank you!!

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I was review bombed on Goodreads, and it took the Author's Guild to get Goodreads to fix it. The Goodreads site has not been up to standard as far as vetting reviewers. They need to fix this or authors will go somewhere else.

It's tragic how a few undesirables can make life difficult for the rest of us. Hang on and remember you are not alone.

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Wow. Glad they could help!

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I’m curious as to what was the AG’s response?

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They contacted Goodreads about the issue and discovered I wasn't the only one who was review bombed. I don't recall what AG told them, but it got results.

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So glad you got results. 🙏🏻

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My new novel to be released on 1/30/24 has been subject to a massive attack by pro-Hamas anti-Semites, with dozens-of 1-star ratings and many “reviews” calling me “genocidal cheerleader“ and the novel “Zionist propaganda trash.”

Forward newspaper just published an article about it.

Let’s talk about away to combat it.

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Luckily the trolls haven't stopped the L.A. Public Library (where I work) from ordering The Boy With the Star Tattoo. I look forward to reading it.

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Thank you!!!

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Buying your novel. Sounds wonderful.

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Ugh. So sorry you've experienced this as well. I'm on board for any actionable steps taken towards GR.

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Wow. Yes.

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These are harrowing times. I too am seeing unchecked maliciousness online--but thankfully have not been an eye witness to violence. I belong to a regional Listserv for upstate New Yorkers that was hijacked by antisemitic hatred, and for some reason I don’t unsubscribe. A few members have vocally rebutted the haters. Moderators of digital platforms have an obligation to promote harmony and excise discriminatory posters like your loser book reviewer. I’ve been meditating on a near future when the rage calms and peace is restored.

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Thank you. Agree.

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Sometimes it's good to sit back quietly and watch them expose who they are and what they are

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Indeed, I remain subscribed to gauge my level of safety in our local community. Aghast that prominent business owners are willing to alienate Jewish patrons with their antisemitic rants.

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I haven't posted on Twitter/X in more than 3 years, but I still watch what is being said there. Especially certain keywords and trending topics.

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Our colleague on Substack, Kathleen Schmidt, who writes Publishing Confidential, recently wrote a post about the failure of Goodreads that you might find interesting, Zibby. https://kathleenschmidt.substack.com/p/goodreads-is-broken

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Thank you. Will read.

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Zibby: As an author I am outraged by the disgusting practice of Trolling. These are tiny basement dwellers who are lashing out from their granny's basements against a world that pulled their underpants over their head and stuffed them in lockers during high school. This is their way at misguidedly getting back at a world that they perceived wronged them. There should be a quick way to eliminate them from GR or any other website. As a human being, I am shocked and outraged by the rise in anti-Semitism across the globe and particularly here in the US - and from your description - my home town of NYC. These are dark times and I pray for your safety and peace for your people. Stay cautious and prepared. And keep safe. Tom McCaffrey

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Perfect description of the trolls. I would chortle if it wasn't so awful and pathetic.

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Thank you, Tom.

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Zibby, first of all--I can't believe I haven't heard anything anywhere else about what sounds like a car-ramming attack. Going to look that up now. Hope the victim is doing okay. And I'm very sorry to read about what's happening for you/your book on Goodreads. Sadly, you are not alone. Here's another current case: https://forward.com/culture/576532/this-novel-is-a-glowing-portrayal-of-israels-early-days-now-its-being-review-bombed-on-goodreads/

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The car ramming was a local news story.

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Do you have a link?

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No, it was just something I saw or heard in passing. Too much of this going on to keep track of most of it.

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This just broke my heart on so many levels. Please keep sharing and speaking up.

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Thank you....

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Sending you warm thoughts and positive energy. This really sucks and hate has no place in the equation and yet if you look around it’s everywhere. Thinking of the book I’m writing with a Jewish female protagonist who takes a trip to Israel (no less) the anti-Jewish sentiment and action in the world and at home - it’s been something very much on my mind.

We all need to read the book and flood your GR with positive. That’s the way to combat the spread of negativity.

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I appreciate your statement about how you don’t *post* about this every day, but it is in your thoughts every day. An important reminder for the social media age, when people presume a writer’s online life (and activism) is their entire life.

I’m so sorry this happened -- it’s more than mean, it’s intended to harm your reputation and livelihood. Thank you for sharing this and providing actionable steps readers can take.

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Oh yes. Thanks, Liz.

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I’m so sorry that happened on Goodreads. That’s terrible! The rest feels overwhelming too. I’m trying to figure how to process what I see too. Sending hugs your way!

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Thank you!

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Crazy. I am so sorry that this happened to you-the one star rating. I am concerned that you and your daughter are in the midst of anger, violence and hatred being displayed in neighborhoods. This is not an everyday occurrence, but it is frightening. Take care.

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I got a 1-Star rating before I had even sent out ARCs and since at that point, I knew exactly where every copy of my book was (mainly out for blurbs) I knew this person could not have read the book. It's pathetic how there is no policing of this and yet it effects writers so much. My situation was nothing compared to what you are going through and why you're being targeted but I can commiserate. And please be safe in NYC - anti-semitism is everywhere but it sounds like it's right outside your door which is terrifying.

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Will try!

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I'm so sorry you have to deal with Jew hatred. Goodreads is known for trolls-- mostly the far left hating on any book that doesn't promote their agenda. I'll pass on giving examples here.

I'm working on a YA novel about a Jewish family as told by their Springer Spaniel. I'm pre-nervous about future reviews.

I have a screenplay that was just requested by a producer. The family in the story celebrates Christma-kkah. I went so far as to check the producer's social media. If he's pro-Hamas, it will be a pass. (Of course I'm not discounting that the script might not be right for him but he did read a 2 page synopsis.)

Blank sounds wonderful. I'm going to buy a copy.

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Thank you...

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The atmosphere is frightening. I feel that if people in authoritative positions do little to nothing ie: enforcing laws and quality of life, we will see worse very soon.

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Did Goodreads do anything about this???

Yes, it is incredibly scary out there. I often wonder why anti-semitism is the only hate where the victims have to justify why we shouldn't be murdered, assaulted, kidnapped, and otherwise attacked.

It reminds me of a saying "The antis-emite doesn't accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole, he accuses him because he enjoys seeing him turn out his pockets."

Thank you for speaking out, Zibby. It's so disheartening to see so many Jewish celebrities and other prominent Jews remain silent these last 3+ months.

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They just took it down! Victory!!

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Excellent! But we really shouldn't have to be doing this. We should not have to be in the position of begging to not be harassed and abused.

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